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Sunday, June 5, 2016

STUDY: Ultra-low doses of Monsanto's Roundup cause massive gene alterations in lab rats, leading to other health problems

New research shows that ultra-low dose exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup, causes massive gene alterations in lab rats, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Health.

The report is the first in a series of studies observing the effectsultra-low doses of glyphosate have on gene expression profiles and the subsequent epigenetic changes, or changes that become inherited patterns of gene function, which can lead to other health problems down the road.

The research is being led by Molecular Geneticist Dr. Michael Antoniou with King's College in London, and Cellular and Molecular Biologist Dr. Robin Mesnage, who successfully reverse-engineered the co-formulants in Roundup.

This was a major achievement considering that the identity of the herbicide's "inert ingredients," as well as their health effects on humans, were unknown and poorly understood prior to Mesnage's discovery, which found that these supposed "inactive" ingredients may be more dangerous to humans than glyphosate alone.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, June 5th, 2016.]